2011年6月15日 星期三

Breast Cancer Treatment

Once upon a time, the diagnosis of breast cancer would mean death penalty for women. Today, as modern medicine has advanced with new technological breakthroughs, it is possible to survive a breast cancer diagnosis if detection occurs at very early stages of the disease. Therefore it is important that detection and treatment begin as early as possible to get the highest chance of survival for the afflicted victim.

Breast cancer treatment occurs in various stages. Normally, it depends much on how advanced the growth of the cancer cell is. A TNM staging is used to determine the stage of the cancer growth. It depends much on how much the cancer has metastases or spread to the other parts of the body. Based on this reading, the doctor will decide the best form of treatment for a patient.


The most common type of surgery used to remove cancer cells is referred to as the conservative surgery. This occurs when a surgeon removes the cancerous tissues form the body of a patient and leaving the healthy ones intact. A sample of the nearby healthy tissues is also removed. The sample is sent to a laboratory for a reading test, If those reading comes out as normal or healthy then it simply means that the surgeon has been successful in removing the cancer cells.

Surgery is the most effective way however, it can severely disfigure a woman and leaves her feeling depressed and mutilated.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is used in cancer growth that has shown some degree of sensitivity to hormone treatment. Sometime, hormone therapy is used by doctors to reduce the size of the cancer before a surgery.


Chemotherapy is another form of treatment for breast cancer. It makes use of powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells and retard the growth of cancer. There are few different variation used in chemotherapy treatment that a doctor would choose to use to deal with each every case he deals with. There are over fifty drugs being used in a chemotherapy treatment so a proper combination would be best to beat the further growth and kill of existing cancer cells.

However chemotherapy can make a patient fall really sick and some rest time should be given to enable healthy cells to recuperate after cancer cells are killed off. Normally, chemotherapy is administered in short doses and frequent breaks are used to enable patients to recover between treatments before another session commences.

You will find more information about Breast Cancer treatments when you visit this post. When you visit Get Free Meds Now.com, you will find information about Patient Assistance Programs and an in-depth discussion about major medical illnesses and their treatment and how you can get free or almost free medicines.

