2011年5月31日 星期二

After Prostate Cancer Diagnosis - Where to Begin

Once you learn that you or your loved one has prostate cancer, there is a lot to think about. Putting an action plan together is important, but it may be hard to focus or think clearly. Here are some ways to help you get started:

Take a few days to regroup. The initial diagnosis is a big shock, and it's important to process what you're feeling. Coping with prostate cancer is a day-by-day experience. Your feelings may change from minute to minute. Be gentle with yourself. There is no right way to deal with prostate cancer. Some days it's just about putting one foot in front of the other and muddling through. That's okay.

Buy a notebook. Write everything down, including important dates, test results, and information from consultations with doctors. You will always have these notes to refer back to and you probably will. Also get an expanding file or legal sized folder you can carry with you. Use it to hold all of your medical records, prescriptions, bills, insurance papers, business cards, important articles, educational materials, and your notebook.

Ask for copies of every test result and keep them in your folder. You will be surprised by how many times one doctor will forget to fax test results to another doctor. Doing this will save you precious time, and each doctor can address important issues at every visit because they will have the information they need.

Keep track of every conversation you have with your health insurance company in your notebook. Remember to date the conversation and ask for the name of the person you speak with. By doing this, you will be able to document your conversation, and what was discussed, should a problem arise.

Begin searching for information from credible sources. When searching the Internet, you will find many websites that provide excellent, unbiased information about prostate cancer. Unfortunately, there are just as many websites that do not. Ask yourself if the information being presented is unbiased, or is the website trying to influence you to choose a particular treatment?

Read everything you can. The more you learn about prostate cancer, the more you can make informed decisions about the many treatment options that are available. Try to read about these different options before you consult with doctors. Having a basic understanding may help you have a more meaningful discussion with the doctor.

Clinical trials offer a wealth of information. A good place to search for them is Pub Med Type in prostate cancer + treatment options or prostate cancer + survival and numerous articles will come up. You can usually get all the information you need from the abstract (summary). A medical dictionary can be helpful for medical terms you do not understand.

Think about joining a support group. No one understands what you are going through like someone who has had experience with prostate cancer. You can call US TOO at 800-808-7866 or the American Cancer Society at 800-ACS-2345 to see if they have support group meetings in your area.

Consider how much you want to tell others. There is nothing wrong with telling everyone you know about you or your loved one's prostate cancer diagnosis, but realize that they may not know how to react. People generally mean well, but they sometimes say things out of nervousness that may feel inappropriate to you. They may also ask you questions that you are not prepared to answer, or don't want to talk about. Understand that people may also offer their opinions on what they think you should or should not do. Or they may say nothing at all.

Decide what you want to tell children or grandchildren. This is a personal decision. If you do decide to tell younger children, it may be enough just to say that Daddy or Grandpa is sick and the doctor is going to help him.

Include your name on your church or synagogue prayer list. You may also want to seek counsel from a religious leader. They can offer you spiritual guidance and may be a great source of comfort. A diagnosis of cancer can feel like a test of faith. The truth is that you really never know how you're going to react until it happens to you.

Dana Kababik is the editor of hisprostatecancer.com an information and support website specifically for wives and partners of men with prostate cancer.

2011年5月30日 星期一

Mueller Jumper's Knee Strap

Mueller Jumper's Knee StrapDesigned to improve patellar tracking and elevation, the MuellerR jumper's knee strap applies mild pressure on the tendon below the kneecap. The tubular insert provides uniform pressure and helps provide pain relief from Chondromalacia (irritated kneecap), Patellar Tendinitis, and Osgood-Schlatter's Disease.

Price: $9.99

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Cancer and Grief

As a stage 4 skin cancer survivor speaker who is all too familiar with grief, I believe we suffer many losses in our life when we have cancer; acknowledge the losses and be gentle with yourself.

Much of our life is taken away from us while we have to deal with this terrible disease called cancer, and our loved ones experience grief along with us. It was written by T.S. Eliot, "When we grieve truly we do it badly." What this means for you is grief is a normal response to loss and if it is resisted or if attempts are made to suppress it to "keep up appearances" these will only result in your making things worse for yourself and those around you.

Eventually the grief you hold in will explode out of you, or make your cancer even worse because of the body-mind-spirit interconnection which defines your whole being. Let yourself grieve "badly" so your grief can be expressed and you can be a whole human being with your integrity intact. Weep, scream out loud, bury your face in your hands or anything else to express your grief.

Researchers are in agreement that essentially grief comes to most people in successive stages, usually five distinct ones.

In the Denial stage, people try to make themselves believe that the cancer diagnosis is simply a mistake--it's not happening to them or their family. This is a self-protection instinct that often leaves people feeling numb or in a state of shock.

Next comes the stage of Anger. Now a person accepts that the cancer diagnosis is not a mistake--it's real. But the "why me?" attitude rises up and there is white-hot outrage that cancer has come to them, or a friend or loved one. One of the best ways of handling this anger is to exercise or otherwise get some high-energy, focused physical activity. People also find it very helpful to discuss cancer with others who have experienced it or been touched by it, or to write about their experiences and feelings in a journal.

This stage spills over into the one called Bargaining. Many people here suddenly find religion, thinking they have angered God or the divine somehow but that now through religious devotion they will be redeemed and their cancer taken away. The most prominent emotion in this stage is guilt, which is a form of self-hatred. People promise themselves, their loved ones, or God that they will never again do the thing or things that they have decided caused their cancer to come on in the first place.

After a cancer patient has spent enough time feeling guilty and/or trying to pray their way out of your cancer, they reach the stage of Depression. Now the cancer cannot be denied and it cannot be bargained away and anger has not cured it. Feelings of overwhelming sorrow that can cause sensations of physical heaviness come on. These feelings are normal. When a person is depressed for any reason, there are physical conditions that can manifest. These may include too little or too much sleeping, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating on simple or everyday activities, or being haunted by a constant fear that someone else in the family is now also going to get cancer. Depression should be readily acknowledged and talked about with trusted friends and family, religious figures such as priests, psychiatrists, and/or the presiding medical doctors.

Depression can be a lengthy stage, but at last comes the stage of Acceptance. This is where a person no longer resists the diagnosis of cancer nor tries to wish it or pray it away. It is in the stage of Acceptance where a cancer patient begins finding the strength to truly fight the cancer--this is NOT an acceptance of death. Acceptance has paradoxically positive effects on the patient and the loved ones. This is actually a type of natural cancer treatment, as it feeds positive energy into the body-mind-spirit matrix and facilitates health.

Acceptance banishes guilt, too; for in this stage the person realizes that it's not their self that is to be hated, but the cancer. Cancer is not a moral issue. It is a matter of needing to make some changes for the sake of one's health. This means finding and accepting the changes needed to be made and then healing body, mind, emotions and spirit.

About the Author: Sheila Ulrich discovered a painless cancer cure that helped her beat stage 4 cancer and now provides alternative and complementary medicine instruction as well as integrative medicine advice . Claim your free report on how she survived cancer at her cancer survivor blog and learn more about cancer cures that work.

2011年5月29日 星期日

2011年5月28日 星期六

Lung Cancer Diagnosis - How This Works

What produces a lung cancer diagnosis? The physician evaluates a person's medical history, smoking history, exposure to environmental and occupational substances, and family history of cancer as well as a physical examination and chest X-ray to find the cause of the symptoms. Other tests may also be performed as needed.

Patient's history - If the doctor suspects lung cancer, they will: Investigate your medical history; Perform a thorough physical examination; Order further specialized medical tests. As part of your medical history, your doctor will ask: If you smoke or have smoked previously;?Your occupation and

place of work; If you have been exposed to occupational hazardous substances or radiation; Whether you have a family history of lung cancer.

Diagnosing Lung Cancer

Screening helps to discover cancer at an earlier stage when it is treatable by a series of tests performed before a person shows any symptoms. Early detection of abnormal tissue or cancer proves favorable of curing the cancer completely as opposed to detection during symptoms when the cancer might have spread.

There are several ways of diagnosing if someone is in the early stages of lung cancer. A physical examination and history taking: A physical examination checking for general signs of health or ill health such as disease and unusual lumps, bumps and anything else that seems atypical. The doctor will also get the history of personal health habits, any past illnesses and treatments given for those illnesses.

Laboratory tests: Procedures for testing samples of tissue, blood, urine, and other substances in the body. The tests will also help to diagnose the disease as well as assist in the planning, management and monitoring of it.

Sputum test: This can show evidence of cancer cells in the lungs. To ensure a more accurate diagnosis with a single sputum collection, the sputum is usually collected over a three-day period.

Fiberoptic bronchoscopy: An examination using a small flexible lighted tube to pass into the nasal canal and then into the appropriate bronchus (airway) down to the cancer. If cancer is detected then a small piece of the cancer is removed for a biopsy examination so the exact type of cancer can be determined and appropriate treatment given.

Percutaneous needle biopsy: This examination involves inserting a thin needle through the skin and chest wall into the tumor. This test is for tumors that are close to the surface of the lung and often used in conjunction with a CAT scan to assists in guiding the needle into the tumor.

Excision or surgical removal: This process can lead to further diagnosis of the suspected tumor via a small incision into the chest. A small thin video camera is inserted into the chest to assist in removing a small block of lung tissue using a mechanical surgical stapling device or laser with this clinical procedure.

Mediastinoscopy: This test helps evaluate how extensive the tumor is by looking into the mid portion of the chest through a small incision made just below the collar line. Samples are taken from the lymph nodes in the central part of the chest (mediastinum). The chance of surgically curing the lung cancer is automatically eliminated if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Mediastinotomy: Unlike mediastinoscopy, the chest cavity is opened by cutting through the sternum (breastbone) and/or the ribs allowing the surgeon to reach and test more lymph nodes by removing samples of mediastinal lymph nodes. This is a complex test, and the patient has to undergo general anaesthesia.

Thoracentesis: A sample of fluid surrounding the lungs is taken using a needle to check for cancer cells.

Thoracotomy: To test for malignancy the chest wall has to be opened so this procedure is performed in hospital as a major operation.

Thoracoscopy: A procedure using a thin, lighted tube connected to a video camera to monitor and view the space between the lungs and the chest wall.

Bone marrow biopsy: With a needle a sample of bone is removed usually measuring about 1/16 inch across and 1 inch long. This is often taken from the back of the hip bone. Microscopically the sample is checked for cancer cells. This procedure is performed predominantly to diagnose small cell lung cancer.

Blood tests: A complete blood test checks for an accurate number of different cell types by showing whether you have anaemia or other related problems. Blood chemistry tests show abnormalities in organs and other parts of the body. Blood tests are repeated regularly especially if someone is undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy drugs affect the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow and sometimes cause lots of problematic side effects. If cancer has spread to the liver and bones, it might cause certain chemical abnormalities in the blood and exacerbate any problems already suffered by the patient.

Other Tests and Procedures to Detect Lung Cancer Include:

Chest x-ray: Chest x-rays account for about half of all x-rays obtained in hospitals. The x-rays are typically performed to obtain an assessment of the lungs, heart and chest wall. A chest x-ray is the first test a physician will order to look for any tumor or spots on the lungs. If it is normal there is a high probably there is no lung cancer, but if anything suspicious is spotted, the doctor will order further tests. Pneumonia, heart failure, emphysema, other medical conditions, and lung cancer can all be located with a chest x-ray.

CT Scanning or Computed Tomography also known as CT or CAT Scan: This equipment is to obtain multiple cross-sectional images of organs and tissues of the body. A CAT scan is especially useful for diagnosing tumors as it is far more detailed than a conventional chest x-ray. It shows different types of body tissue including the lungs, heart, bones, soft tissues, muscle, and blood vessels at the same time.

Modern CT scans capture images of the chest from many different angles using a method called spiral (or helical) CT. With the assistance of a computer, it processes the images to create cross-sectional pictures or "slices" of the area causing concern. The images can then be printed out or examined on a monitor. To achieve a better picture, after the first set of scans are taken an intravenous injection of a radio-contrast agent is administered to help outline the structures within the body. A second set of pictures is then taken so they can be examined together.

Information on the size, shape, and position of a tumor are provided by the CT scan. This helps discover any enlarged lymph nodes, which could contain cancer, which has spread from the lung. When looking for early lung cancers and to ensure patients receive the treatment they need as soon as possible, CT scans are much more sensitive than an ordinary routine chest x-ray. In looking for tumors in the adrenal glands, brain, and other internal organs usually affected by lung cancer spread a CT scan is also useful.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI scans use radio waves and strong magnets instead of x-rays. The energy released from the radio waves is absorbed and re-released in a pattern shaped by the type of tissue and the disease being investigated.

A pattern of radio waves is given by the tissues and organs forming very detailed images of the parts of the body using a very sophisticated computer. This can also produce slices parallel with the length of the body just as a CT scanner produces cross sectional slices of the body.

Positron emission tomography (PET): This scan uses glucose, which is a form of sugar containing a radioactive atom. Large amounts of radioactive sugar are absorbed by the cancer cells and a special camera is then able to detect the radioactivity.

To discover if someone is suffering from early stage lung cancer a PET scan is a very useful test. It is often used to discover if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. PET scans are valuable in ascertaining whether a shadow on a chest x-ray is cancer or not. PET scans are also helpful when a doctor thinks the cancer has spread, but isn't sure where the spread may be.

Because PET scans scan your whole body sometime they are used instead of several different x-rays. Bone scans: A radioactive substance (usually technetium diphosphonate) is injected into a vein. The radioactive substance builds up in bone areas suspected of having cancer metastasis, (spread). Due to the small amount of radioactivity used this does not cause any long-term effects.

Bone scan results need to be read in conjunction with results of other tests performed as other bone diseases can also cause abnormal scan results. Bone scans are usually performed on patients with small cell lung cancer and also in non-small cell lung cancer patients when other test results or symptoms suggest the cancer has spread to the bones - lung cancer diagnosis

I for one know there's a ton of lung cancer information scattered all around the web, and I know it can be somewhat depressing to go through much of it. I have compiled all that researched so it might benefit others. I put many months of research into a useful guide. There's no charge of course and I think you'll appreciate the simplicity of it. Its at MyLungCancerGuide.com. While you are there, you'll find this article about Lung Cancer Diagnosis and many other very straight forward, helpful articles.

Symptoms to Be Aware Of - Early Lung Cancer

There are many symptoms to be aware of with early lung cancer. As with any cancer, early detection is critical. The earlier you are able to find out about a cancer in your body, the more types of treatments will be available and the greater the chances are of defeating the cancer. A cancer in the body is simply abnormal cell growth, mutated cell growth if you will. Everyone has a certain degree of mutated cells in their body. The challenge, however, is when these aggressive and mutated cells take over and are in large quantities in certain areas of the body. A tumor, for example, is formed from the buildup of these dead and decaying cells, all crammed together with the dead material and wastes left behind by mutated and deformed cells.

Because early detection is key, it is important to try and schedule routine visits with a personal doctor. This can help you live longer. Eating healthy is another key component to a healthy and cancer-free body. Lung cancer may have been caused by any number of larger factors, including genetic dispositions. Some cancers may be caused by environmental factors like asbestos inhalation, but this is more of a rarity.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, try to follow all of the recommendations given by your medical provider. Eat as healthy as you possibly can. Eat also as many green vegetables as you can. This will help give your body all the resources possible for beating the cancer that is in your system. Battling cancer is not an easy thing, however, and requires a lot of additional work. Do not give up. There have been so many people that have had cancer and won. They have gone on to live and additional 20 years beyond the date of diagnosis.

You too can survive a cancer diagnosis. You must remain positive, of course, and if you exercise every day and eat very healthy foods you will have a much better chance of living a long time. There is an expression that goes, 'We are digging our graves with our teeth.' and how true it seems to be, especially of the American nation and its people.

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2011年5月26日 星期四

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis - Why You SHOULDN'T Give Up

So you have just being diagnosed with prostate cancer and you think it's the end for you? If yes, you are absolutely wrong. It might have been the end for you several years ago, but not today when so many people are now surviving the condition all over the world. This article explains why prostate cancer is no longer a killer disease and reveals what you can do to ensure you are among the many survivors of the condition.

You see, the major reason lots of people died from this condition in the past had to do with the fact that medical science hadn't advanced as far as it has today. Apart from the treatment, even diagnosis was not as easy in the past as it is nowadays. Today, with the many highly effective ways of testing for and treating prostate cancer, there are now lots more survivors than was the case several years ago.

Instead of thinking your world has come to an end because of this condition, you should be positive and committed to finding a solution. Talk to your doctors for the best treatment option available to you. Don't rush into going for surgery until and unless that's the best and most effective solution available to you. Also, it's important for you to do your own research into the different treatments available so that you can have a firmer understanding of what is best for you or not.

In all, you should be strong willed and determined to survive the condition, despite your diagnosis. I have heard that some people who have died from the condition died not just because of the cancerous tumors but because they had lost all hopes deep within them. You see, I believe strongly that no matter how powerful any drug or treatment is for cancer, if you don't have the confidence and commitment to survive, it won't help.

As you have seen from this article, diagnosis of prostate cancer or even any other cancer for that matter doesn't translate to an automatic death sentence. Lots of people have survived and continue to survive cancer. If such people can survive, you can as well.

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Gone with the Wind (70th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]

Gone with the Wind (70th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]David O. Selznick wanted Gone with the Wind to be somehow more than a movie, a film that would broaden the very idea of what a film could be and do and look like. In many respects he got what he worked so hard to achieve in this 1939 epic (and all-time box-office champ in terms of tickets sold), and in some respects he fell far short of the goal. While the first half of this Civil War drama is taut and suspenseful and nostalgic, the second is ramshackle and arbitrary. But there's no question that the film is an enormous achievement in terms of its every resource--art direction, color, sound, cinematography--being pushed to new limits for the greater glory of telling an American story as fully as possible. Vivien Leigh is still magnificently narcissistic, Olivia de Havilland angelic and lovely, Leslie Howard reckless and aristocratic. As for Clark Gable: we're talking one of the most vital, masculine performances ever committed to film. --Tom Keogh

Price: $24.98

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2011年5月25日 星期三

Alzheimer's Disease - My Story

This is a real case study, written by an Alzheimer's sufferer sharing his hurts, frustration and desperation. This e book brings hope for fellow sufferers.By following the program designed by the author, it shows how to retain new memories and buy time.

Check it out!

2011年5月24日 星期二

Londons Times Funny Music Cartoons - Flower Disease -Rosacea- - Key Chains

Londons Times Funny Music Cartoons - Flower Disease -Rosacea- - Key ChainsFlower Disease -Rosacea- Key Chain is new, measuring 2.25w x 2.25h x 1/8d. Key Chain Tag has a glossy finish and comes with a hole for hardware. Our new key hanger makes an attractive decoration for any household, plus keeps keys organized and easy to find. Picture is printed on both sides of the key chain. Each includes snap-on key chain hardware.


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2011年5月23日 星期一

Delayed Cancer Diagnosis - How Will it Affect You?

It has been stated that one in three people will develop a form of Cancer at some point within their lives, making it one of the most prolific diseases that we are now seeing. Due to this doctors have to be highly aware of the possibility of Cancer when making a diagnosis.

The importance of an early diagnosis when it comes to Cancer cannot be emphasized enough; in many cases an early diagnosis is the difference between life and death. An early diagnosis is also the deciding factor on your life expectancy. Early diagnosis is crucial regardless of what type of Cancer you have; this is especially true in the case of lung, ovarian and stomach Cancer as they have a much lower mortality rate if they receive a prompt diagnosis.

Sadly some people aren't treated as early as they should be. There are many reasons for this such as a patient didn't think anything of their symptoms and dismissed them as something else so they didn't bother going and seeing their doctor. Also many people go to their doctor with symptoms but these symptoms are similar to another disease with the same symptoms so they could easily be dismissed. All of these are common human error but it is important that a doctor goes down all avenues when they are diagnosing you.

An example of why it is so important to catch any form of cancer early is people who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the earliest stage they have a 92% to 93% of a five year survival but this can quickly be reduced to 11% or 12% if the cancer has seriously advanced.

An example of when a diagnosis goes beyond simple human error is if a smoker goes to see a doctor with a cough and the doctor merely puts it down to the fact that they smoke. This is completely unacceptable as a cough is one symptom of lung cancer. In a case such as this the doctor should have examined the matter further and investigated the possibility of lung cancer, if for nothing else than to rule it out.

There are many different types of cancer so in order to make an accurate diagnosis you need a medical professional to correctly interpret your symptoms and by looking at your test results thoroughly. Failure to accurately diagnose allows the cancer to spread and grow, which can be at an alarming rate depending on where the cancer is and how advanced or aggressive it is.

If a cancer diagnosis is failed to be made then your correct treatment will be delayed, which will increase your chance of dying from the disease; however this problem can also be turned around, which basically means that if a doctor makes a diagnosis of cancer and there is no cancer present then this can cause a person a lot of unnecessary emotional suffering and shock and it may even lead to them receiving the incorrect treatment. Any situation such as this will be viewed as a form of medical negligence.

If you feel that you have suffered from medical negligence in the past three years due to actions that were taken or actions that were failed to be taken when it comes to your Cancer diagnosis then you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Thousands of men and women across the UK have already claimed the compensation that they deserve after being involved in some form of a medical negligence claim, now it's your turn so get in touch with a legal team today to find out where you stand with making a claim for compensation.

Helen is the web master of Accident Consult, specialists in all aspects of Medical Negligence Compensation Claims

Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site

2011年5月22日 星期日

Huntington's Disease Awareness Ribbon Mouse Pad

Huntington's Disease Awareness Ribbon Mouse PadThe Huntington's Disease Ribbon proudly displayed on a mouse pad. There is no better way to achieve awareness for the meaning of the Huntington's Disease Ribbon than to display it on your mouse pad for everyone to see. The mouse pad measures at 9.25" x 7.75", it is machine washable, and the colors will not fade or run. Start gaining awareness today by presenting your Huntington's Disease Ribbon mouse pad at work or at home. It is certain to keep your mouse rolling in style all while gaining support and awareness!

Price: $14.99

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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis - VERY Important Significance of PSA That Many Don't Know

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in elderly men and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men. Prostate type of cancer causes few, if any symptoms, in its early stages, but as it progresses it can lead to difficulties with urination and bleeding in the urinary tract, and the cancer can spread to other areas of the body.

But all of that is stating it as simply as it can be expressed. Because of the absence of symptoms in the early stages of the condition, it is critical that you are very vigilant about looking out for the disease. Being a man, being beyond the age of 65 (or even 50), and being African American, living in the United States, you had better realize that you are a lot more susceptible to the disease than the average person, having fulfilled just about all of the risk factors that contribute to the incidence of the disease.

But what it translates into from the above information is that you have to go in for your regular checkups as often as you can. The American Cancer Institute strongly urges that a once-a-year critical medical checkup is undergone by any man in their fifties or above, during which a rectal exam is at least carried out to determine the presence of prostate cancer.

Prostate carcinoma may be detected by digital rectal examination before being followed by testing for abnormally high blood levels of the protein known as prostate-specific antigen, the PSA. Prostate malignant cancer cells overproduce this protein, resulting in an elevation of the PSA in the blood.

The second part of this article throws more light at other significance of the PSA and how the test can help you survive the condition.

To know all about Prostate Cancer Rapidly Rising PSA and what to do about it Click Here. You will read, not only about it but also how you can survive the condition, whether it's diagnosed early or not. Yes, the information in the above links can help you!

2011年5月21日 星期六

Breast Cancer & Post-Treatment Joy

Thirteen years ago this week I was in the hospital after breast cancer diagnosis recovering from bi-lateral mastectomy surgery and feeling puny, weak and out of sorts. Yet, from my hospital window I could see blue sky, snow-capped mountains and a variety of colored flowers in the beds below. Joy entered. Yes, joy!

That glimpse of Nature reminded me that we are capable of deciding where to put our attention (on feeling sick, hospital smells and noises or the miracle of Nature at her finest just a glance away). What's exciting about this is that our energy and focus follow where our attention goes. Yes, you can too! Consider this: "What gives me true joy?"

As you pay attention to what brings you joy, you shift your mood. Are you ready to try it?  Designing a few small things to do that bring you joy can create a shift in your energy and outlook no matter what your age, stage or prognosis. What will you try right now? 

I encourage you to spend an hour or a half a day or a two hour date with yourself keeping track of what's right. You could make notes to record both the little and the big moments that pop into your awareness when you're doing this experiment. My prediction is that a sense of gratitude will follow. You'll see that you have the capacity to create even more joy as you become willing to do so. Joseph Campbell adds his words of wisdom on this subject by reminding us: 

"We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy."  

The eBook,Yes After Cancer: Digestible dollops for Well-being after Treatment was created to broaden the post treatment possibilities. It offers specific suggestions from the life coach for creating the life you'll most enjoy right now. Support and encouragement and optimism are what you'll find among the dollops in this eBook. It makes a terrific gift and would be an asset to any waiting room whether a beauty salon or medical office! http://www.lesliegebhart.com/cancer-ebook.html This information supports you or a loved one to take action with ease, compassion, generosity, joy and the spirit of possibility no matter what the age, diagnosis or prognosis. And, this eBook does it with a lightness of heart and a touch of what-the-heck whimsy written from the perspective of a survivor/thrivor. What a gift! In addition to the purchase place, you'll find a complimentary excerpt: http://www.lesliegebhart.com/cancer-ebook.html Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful! Make it a terrific day. :)

Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

The diagnosis of prostate cancer can be made through several different tests. Two common tests are initially used to diagnose this type of cancer when no symptoms are present. These tests are certainly not perfect but they can be used to help diagnose prostate cancer.

The Tests
To begin with, the digital rectal exam can be ordered by your physician. Otherwise known as DRE, this exam is used by physicians to locate any hard lumps or nodules that are located within the prostate itself. This exam's goal is to detect the cancer at the earliest possible stages so that treatment and curability is within range.

This exam is usually done during a normal office visit. The prostate gland is located close to the rectum, so the exam is actually very easy for physicians to conduct. They will usually take a gloved, lubricated finger and insert it into the rectum to see if they can feel any lumps or nodules on the prostate gland itself. The test only takes a few minutes and causes only slight pain or discomfort that will subside once the exam is over.

Annual screenings for patients ages 50 or above is recommended by the American Cancer Society. These screenings are preventative because men above this age are more susceptible to developing prostate cancer. Age ranges vary depending upon whether you have a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors. Men in high risk groups are encouraged to begin screening processes as early as age 40.

The other test that is used to help diagnose this cancer is the prostate specific antigen blood test. The PSA blood test works by measuring the prostate's PSA levels. Most men have PSA levels under four and this is usually the cutoff range for prostate cancer diagnosis or for the risk of developing this type of cancer. In cancer patients, the PSA level is usually above four; however, cancer can develop at any PSA level.

Now, researchers are suggesting lowering the range for risk, especially in younger patients. Because younger patients have smaller prostates, their levels are lower and PSA levels of 2.5 may be cause for concern.

The PSA blood test is easy to perform and easy for the patient. It only involves drawing blood, usually from the arm. The blood is then sent to the laboratory and the results come back within a matter of a few days. This test is also recommended on an annual basis in addition to the digital rectal examination.

If you feel that you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of this cancer, schedule an appointment with your physician to have one of these simple tests conducted. Your physician may want to perform both exams to be on the safe side. Diagnosis of prostate cancer is as easy as taking a few minutes out of your day for these tests and involves a minimal amount of pain or discomfort.

Go to the new Prostate Cancer Community to get your free ebooks on Prostate Cancer at Diagnose Prostate Cancer. The new Prostate Cancer Community also has information on Prostate Cancer Diagnosis along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Prostate Cancer Community site today for free ebooks and other free information that can help you today.

2011年5月20日 星期五


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2011年5月18日 星期三

Everything You Need To know About Celiac Disease

This Product is New in the market and is Going Places! - Check Out the Sales Page and See What I Mean - This is the work of a true expert in the area of Celiac Disease. Check it out Now!

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Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Among all the types of cancer, breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed in the world today. But compared to other cancer types that are not as frequently diagnosed, fewer people have actually died because of it. This means that there are more breast cancer survivors than the other types of cancer because most of them were given the proper diagnosis of the breast cancer that they had, allowing them to know and obtain the most viable treatment possible. Here are some things that you should know regarding breast cancer diagnosis.

Invasive or non-invasive

Non-invasive breast cancer is the type where the cancer cells remain in the part of the body where it originated, whether in the duct or lobule. Invasive breast cancer is that which has passed through the walls of the place of origin and has spread and infected the adjacent tissues and at times, may travel to other parts of the body through the vessels.

Lymph node involvement

Lymph is a fluid that moves through the arteries and travels through the tissues in order to cleanse them. Lymph nodes act as filters that trap all unwanted substances, including cancer cells, and they try to eliminate them from the body. The problem is that most of the time cancer cells are not eliminated but actually settle in the lymph nodes and that is how the nodes become infected with the tumor. If more lymph nodes are involved, this means that the cancer is more threatening and has a higher risk of spreading.


There are four breast cancer stages. Stage I means that cancer is of the invasive type, but the tumor is 2 centimeters long. Stage II involves a tumor which is 2-5 centimeters which may or may not have infected or travelled to the axillary lymph nodes. Stage III means that it is now locally advanced, meaning, it has spread to more nodes and breast skin, and its size is more than 5 centimeters. With Stage IV, or more advanced breast cancer, the tumor has moved farther from the breast and has infected other parts of the body as well.


Mastectomy is the complete removal of the breast. Lumpectomy involves removal of only a part of it. After surgery, radiation may be administered, depending on the personality of the cancer. Other treatments are hormone therapy and chemotherapy, which are classified as systemic therapy because they are applied to the entire body. Hormone therapy is the blocking or reducing of estrogen in the body. This treatment is available if the cancer is hormone-receptive-responsive. In chemotherapy, medicine is applied to hinder cells from multiplying.

Once the diagnosis is clear, choosing the treatment options will follow. If cancer is non-invasive, lumpectomy may be performed. But if the cancer is invasive, other forms of treatment shall be applied. Treatment for Stage I cancer is usually lumpectomy or modified radical mastectomy. Radiation may or may not follow the surgery. Treatment for Stage II cancer is usually the same as that for Stage I cancer, followed by radiation. Stage III and IV cancer may be treated by mastectomy, chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy after surgery.

Cancer Personality

Doctors also tell you of the "personality" of your cancer, whether it is aggressive or not. If it is of the meaner or aggressive type, there is a higher risk for it to spread. There is therefore the need to use systemic treatment such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy. If it is of the milder type, localized treatment may be administered.

Doctors sometimes describe the spread of cancer as local, regional and distant. Local means that the cancer remains within the breast. Regional means that lymph nodes are involved, especially those under the armpit. Distant means that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. If the cancer is of the local or regional type, treatment may be lumpectomy or mastectomy. If cancer is distant, systemic therapy is necessary.

Knowing the breast cancer diagnosis is one reason for the decline in mortality rate. When you know the diagnosis, you know the proper treatment. As we all know, breast cancer can be treated if diagnosed at an early stage. While the number of women diagnosed may not considerably reduce, the number of women who shall seek treatment and survive shall increase. With an increase in awareness and advances in medicine, there will be more breast cancer survivors in the years to come.

For more information on breast cancers and their solutions, please visit:

2011年5月17日 星期二

Learning About Cancer Diagnosis

After the symptoms are clarified and cancer is detected, many tests and dignosis are done to ascertain the level of spread and the stage.This will be detremental to the method of treatment to prevent its spread. The treatment starts with the general check up and then on the advise of the medical practitioner, you will have to undergo tests ranging from blood tests to surgery.

Tests conducted on the blood and urine samples may be able to give etails on the condition of the patient.In luekemia blood tests define the extent of spread of the diesase by reporting the low platelet counts and low red blood corposilsa and white blood corposils .Marker levels of the tumors may vary on the extent of growth of varying cancers.These laboratry tests are the beginning of investigations of cancer.

The next step is pinpointing the location and size of the current tumor. Various technological advancements have given the advantage to view the body from inside thrugh differnt machines.

Now, before starting treatments, doctors are aware of everything about the tumor- size, location which makes tratment much easier than before.During the process of eliminating the cancer cells the healthy cells are not destroyed.faster and accurate technology is availed by cancer patients so their recovery is less painful and easier.there are various ways of imaging available in today's hospitals that help the doctor to treat you better.

X rays used to be the most common vay of seeing the bones and growths on them.However, typical xrays are outdated now.They have been replaced by CT scans, MRIs , radionuclide scanning , Ultrasonography.Xray's have been computerised and called CT scans.MRI or Magnetic resonence imaging seems o be the most popular way of scanning. Magnetic rays encapsule the body ,read by the connected computer to take a series of pictures of the detailed area.It shows intricate detailing of the cancerous cells and other healthy tissues.

In the radionuclide scanning the patient either swallows a radioactive dye or is injected with it depending on the area to be scanned. The connected scanner computerised machine, measures the level of radioactivity in different organs. The growth or tumor areas are highlighted, making detection easier.After the test is over, radioactive substances are absolved by the body.

Ultrasonography is also simple and effective ways to view inside the body without any invasive technique. High frequency sound waves hit the body and bounce back to give an image of the inside organs. The bounced back sound waves produce an echo that forms the picture of the normal and cancerous growth. These entire computer aided scan are viewed on the screen and later printed on the paper for making reports.

Looking at the scan, ascertain the exact position of the tumor growth and then a biopsy is conducted. The removal of tissue samples from the patient's body to be sent for laboratory testing for cancer by an oncological pathologist is known as Biopsy.

Biopsy is generally conducted through Endoscopy, fine needle test and surgical removal of tissue sample. Endoscopy is when a small camera attached through the tube is put in the body for taking pictures, removal of sample tissue for testing. The fine needle test is done by inserting a long needle into the growth area for sample tests. The surgical biopsy is done when the whole tumor is removed and sent for testing or a portion of the tumor is removed to be sent for biopsy.

After doing these tests, the oncologist is able to make out the extent of spread of cancer in the body. They can also make out whether the cancer is in the beginning stage or advanced. These diagnostic kits have been of a great help to prevent many more deaths by cancer. Early detection of all cancers is the first step to its cure.

2011年5月16日 星期一

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Advanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis

A routine breast examination is advised for all women to identify any suspicious lumps so that breast cancer detection is made as early as possible. Mammography is the most common first line screening tool for breast cancer. But in some cases, mammography may miss some abnormalities, especially if the woman's breast tissue is dense. Sometimes dense breast tissue and cancers may appear similar in mammography.

So, a lump that may be felt manually may appear as normal breast tissue when screened through mammography which may then lead to a biopsy to confirm cancer. But now, even the cancerous tissue that mammography misses can be identified by a new diagnostic technique called breast specific gamma imaging.

This is different from mammography, sonography or MRI. The imaging in breast specific gamma imaging is not anatomical, but functional. It is also much superior to traditional screening methods because gamma imaging picks up cells that are beginning to act cancerous even before the abnormality becomes advanced enough to be visible on a mammogram or a sonogram.

Even in women who are diagnosed with Breast Cancer using other methods, breast specific gamma imaging may prove beneficial because it can highlight other malignant lesions that might have been missed by the mammography or the physical exam.

The malignancies that are identified during diagnoses form an important aspect in determining the treatment to be administered. Sometimes, the gamma imaging may provide crucial information that necessitates important differences in the therapy.

Mammography relies hugely on the structure of the breast to identify cancers. Breast specific gamma imaging, on the other hand, tracks the uptake of a radiotracer or a dye by breast cancer cells. The BSGI technology uses a special dye that is injected intravenously. The absorption rate of the dye by normal breast tissue and cancerous tissue vary significantly and it is this property that helps identify breast cancer. A gamma camera is used to track the dye and the malignancies or lesions are identified digitally.

The diagnostic procedure is also comfortable compared to other methods. The woman only needs to be seated comfortably and the entire procedure is over within 40 minutes. The results can also be read immediately. Breast specific gamma imaging is especially useful to detect breast cancer in women who have dense breast tissue, breast implants or scar tissue. In such cases, a mammogram may be hard to read and gamma imaging can come in quite handy.

In fact, about 20 percent of the women who have breast cancer have normal mammogram readings. The significance of BSGI is not to be underestimated.

Alex White is a free lance writer and a health & fitness expert who has been associated with several health care providers across various specialties. Through his articles, Alex White wishes to inform and educate public about Breast Cancer which will benefit those who are looking for resourceful information regarding health.

2011年5月15日 星期日

Prostate Cancer Gleason Scale - What You May Not Know

Gleason scale for prostate cancer diagnosis is not only for diagnosing the disease, but also for staging it in order to determine how far the disease has spread or metastasized, or how aggressive it might be. This article looks closely at it, beyond what you probably already know.

Prostate type of cancer may generally be a slow growing disease, but the absence of symptoms in the early stages of the disease makes it difficult yet critical to determine precisely what stage the disease is at when the diagnosis is done.

While diagnosing for prostate cancer, the doctor often has to conduct a biopsy of the prostate gland, which requires the extraction of some tissues from the organ to be examined underneath the glare of the microscope. What they watch out for is the degree of mutation that the extracted cells have gone through. In the absence of mutation, the patient can go on to other possible ailments because it is not prostate carcinoma; should there be changes though, the specialist does not stop as merely identifying that the patient has prostate cancer, but he moves on employing the Gleason scale.

Speaking of the Gleason scale, this will be needed not just to help the patient find the proper solution to the problem, but it similarly enables the medical expert or experts handling the condition to have a full insight into the disease. This is very important if the cancer will be arrested in good time. But of course, the Gleason scale is not the only parameter used in the staging of prostate cancer: the PSA level score for the patient is also relied upon once a diagnosis has been confirmed.

To know more about Gleason Scale for Prostate Cancer all you have to do is Click Here!

2011年5月14日 星期六

After Breast Cancer, Are You Tired of the Focus on Gloom & Doom? If So, Here Are 3 Zaps to Help

Before offering the 3 zaps to un-block your creativity and provide support after cancer diagnosis and treatment (my treatment was bilateral mastectomy), I want to acknowledge that the majority of mainstream media stations seem to focus on what's wrong. What I know for sure is that the more I listen to these reports, the more discouraged and negative I feel. So, writing from this perspective I say it's ok to acknowledge that there are challenges so long as we also acknowledge that there are plenty of opportunities as well.

Zap into more positive atmosphere by asking

1. What can I change right NOW? This is an empowering question especially after cancer when so many decisions were made by the medical team. Now you get to choose where you put your focus and attention. The minute you finish this article you can make on small change. Action is a wonderful antidote to gloom.

2. With whom do I feel my best and brightest? List those pals or companions who bring out your best feelings. They may be the ones who make you laugh or the ones who are ever ready to take an adventure with you. This resource list is your pathway out of the doomsday media blitz and a way to create fun in your day.

3. Do you know for sure that you do not have to believe everything you think? This is wisdom from a bumper sticker and one I love to remember. You are the thinker of your thoughts and you get to place your focus on what makes you feel better or what makes you feel worse. It's actually also true that you get more of what you think about, so with that in mind, are you willing to take charge and, when you hear that negative chatter in between your ears, say, "Stop!"? Then replace the negative with something positive or pro-active or enlivening. You get to make it up.

Cancer or no cancer, you can support your implementation of these 3 zaps by turning off the TV and radio and choosing music or selected CD's designed to provide uplifting possibilities. If you hear negative chatter inside, consider "turning the channel" to a frequency that better supports you now that treatment is complete. As post cancer days continue, you'll find creative ways to continue to thrive and explore and create the life of your choice.

The eBook,Yes After Cancer: Digestible dollops for Well-being after Treatment was created to broaden the post treatment possibilities. It offers specific suggestions from the life coach for creating the life you'll most enjoy right now. Support and encouragement and optimism are what you'll find among the dollops in this eBook. It makes a terrific gift and would be an asset to any waiting room whether a beauty salon or medical office! http://www.lesliegebhart.com/cancer-ebook.html This information supports you or a loved one to take action with ease, compassion, generosity, joy and the spirit of possibility no matter what the age, diagnosis or prognosis. And, this eBook does it with a lightness of heart and a touch of what-the-heck whimsy written from the perspective of a survivor/thrivor. What a gift! In addition to the purchase place, you'll find a complimentary excerpt: http://www.lesliegebhart.com/cancer-ebook.html Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful! Make it a terrific day. :)

Secret 101 to Cancer

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