Before offering the 3 zaps to un-block your creativity and provide support after cancer diagnosis and treatment (my treatment was bilateral mastectomy), I want to acknowledge that the majority of mainstream media stations seem to focus on what's wrong. What I know for sure is that the more I listen to these reports, the more discouraged and negative I feel. So, writing from this perspective I say it's ok to acknowledge that there are challenges so long as we also acknowledge that there are plenty of opportunities as well.
Zap into more positive atmosphere by asking
1. What can I change right NOW? This is an empowering question especially after cancer when so many decisions were made by the medical team. Now you get to choose where you put your focus and attention. The minute you finish this article you can make on small change. Action is a wonderful antidote to gloom.
2. With whom do I feel my best and brightest? List those pals or companions who bring out your best feelings. They may be the ones who make you laugh or the ones who are ever ready to take an adventure with you. This resource list is your pathway out of the doomsday media blitz and a way to create fun in your day.
3. Do you know for sure that you do not have to believe everything you think? This is wisdom from a bumper sticker and one I love to remember. You are the thinker of your thoughts and you get to place your focus on what makes you feel better or what makes you feel worse. It's actually also true that you get more of what you think about, so with that in mind, are you willing to take charge and, when you hear that negative chatter in between your ears, say, "Stop!"? Then replace the negative with something positive or pro-active or enlivening. You get to make it up.
Cancer or no cancer, you can support your implementation of these 3 zaps by turning off the TV and radio and choosing music or selected CD's designed to provide uplifting possibilities. If you hear negative chatter inside, consider "turning the channel" to a frequency that better supports you now that treatment is complete. As post cancer days continue, you'll find creative ways to continue to thrive and explore and create the life of your choice.
The eBook,Yes After Cancer: Digestible dollops for Well-being after Treatment was created to broaden the post treatment possibilities. It offers specific suggestions from the life coach for creating the life you'll most enjoy right now. Support and encouragement and optimism are what you'll find among the dollops in this eBook. It makes a terrific gift and would be an asset to any waiting room whether a beauty salon or medical office! This information supports you or a loved one to take action with ease, compassion, generosity, joy and the spirit of possibility no matter what the age, diagnosis or prognosis. And, this eBook does it with a lightness of heart and a touch of what-the-heck whimsy written from the perspective of a survivor/thrivor. What a gift! In addition to the purchase place, you'll find a complimentary excerpt: Feel free to paste this article into your own material so long as you also maintain the author contact information as is herein. Hope you found it useful! Make it a terrific day. :)